
EcoTab brush system; the best Tab-waste removal system for the packaging industry

EcoTab brush system is the best waste removal system for inliners in the corrugated industry. Any glue tab waste that is not removed is and continues to be an inconvenient factor during both the production and use of boxes in automatic set-up machines. Our fully electrically driven EcoTab brush system 427.052.002E combines waste disposal and energy savings. Compared to the air motor-driven systems available on the market to date, the development of our fully electrically driven EcoTab Gluetab waste removal system is a permanent step towards reducing your energy consumption, cost savings and a reduction of CO2 emissions. The brushes are places on an angle of 10 degrees in the length of the box, in that way that the brush will have the most grip on the box. The EcoTab brush system is therefore to wipe-off the waste that is thrown onto the box. In order to achieve zero-defect boxes the EcoTab waste removal system is the step in this direction!

Do you also recognize this problem?

  • Hanging glue tab waste?
  • Waste glued inside boxes?
  • Glue tab waste throughout your entire machine?
  • Claims by your client for defective boxes?

  • Fully electrically-driven brush system
  • Stepless height adjustment for both brushes
  • Adjustable brush rotating speed
  • Brushes diagonally adjustable by up to 15 degrees in the direction of travel

Video EcoTab 2021:

EcoTab 2021 from Dicar BV on Vimeo.


Example on an Emba

EcoTab waste removal system close view

Eco Tab 427.052.002E

Eco Tab 427.052.002E

Eco Tab 427.052.002E

EcoTab brush system

Because the height of the brushes of the EcoTab brush system  can be adjusted from the outside, it is possible to adjust the system without having to open the machine, regardless of the thickness of the cardboard to be processed. Thanks to an electric coupling of the EcoTab brush system with the feeder of your machine, the system will be activated only when boxes are actually being produced. This saves energy and prevents any unnecessary burden on the motors.

EcoTab waste removal system drawing

EcoTab waste removal system drawing

An investment in the EcoTab brush system earns itself very quickly. It prevents unforeseen production stops as a result of waste that interrupts the gluing process and it contributes to reducing potential return shipments by your customer because of waste left behind in the end product or poor gluing.

EcoTab Brush system
Energie use of System Approx.400 Watt/h 2 Motors for driving brushes
1 Motor for height adjustment



Friday the 19th of October 2018
I wanted to give you a short feedback, regarding the EcoTab (brush) system.
According to our machine operators, there are no more problems because of the attached waste chips.
These are reliably removed and the sheets thus run cleanly into the glue system. Even the short false reports and machine stoppers due to imposed waste in the gluing unit have fallen drastically, if not completely gone.
Have a nice weekend. “
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